1997 Articles
Middle Triassic magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy from the Dolomites and Greece
Magnetostratigrapic and biostratigraphic data across the Anisian/Ladinian (Middle Triassic) boundary were obtained from the Frötschbach/Seceda section from the Dolomites region of northern Italy, and the Vlichos section from the Greek island of Hydra, where the Aghia Triada published section was also resampled. The Frötschbach/Seceda section includes two radiometrically dated (U Pb) tuff levels and covers two of the three chief candidates for the position of the base of the Ladinian, namely at the base of the Secedensis Zone or the subsequent Curionii Zone. The Aghia Triada section yields biochronological evidence for the base of the Secedensis Zone, whose significance is, however, critically discussed in the light of the magnetostratigraphic correlation with Frötschbach/Seceda. The Vlichos section can be correlated with Aghia Triada and Frötschbach/Seceda by means of magnetic polarity stratigraphy and sparse fossil occurrences. The satisfactory correlation of the magnetozones allows us to construct a composite geomagnetic polarity sequence tied to Tethyan ammonoid and conodont biostratigraphy for about a 2.4 Myr interval across the Anisian/Ladinian boundary.
- Muttoni_1997.pdf application/pdf 892 KB Download File
Also Published In
- Title
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- https://doi.org/10.1016/S0012-821X(96)00216-6
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Biology and Paleo Environment
- Published Here
- December 6, 2011