
The Columbia grasp database

Goldfeder, Corey; Ciocarlie, Matei; Dang, Hao; Allen, Peter K.

Collecting grasp data for learning and benchmarking purposes is very expensive. It would be helpful to have a standard database of graspable objects, along with a set of stable grasps for each object, but no such database exists. In this work we show how to automate the construction of a database consisting of several hands, thousands of objects, and hundreds of thousands of grasps. Using this database, we demonstrate a novel grasp planning algorithm that exploits geometric similarity between a 3D model and the objects in the database to synthesize form closure grasps. Our contributions are this algorithm, and the database itself, which we are releasing to the community as a tool for both grasp planning and benchmarking.


Also Published In

ICRA 2009: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation: Kobe, Japan : May 12-17, 2009

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Academic Units
Computer Science
Published Here
October 31, 2012