
Review of Daniel Fanous. Taught by God: Making Sense of the Difficult Sayings of Jesus.

Trostyanskiy, Sergey

Dr. Daniel Fanous, an Orthodox independent researcher with degrees in medicine and engineering, presents to the reader the most profound sayings of Jesus and attempts to decipher their meanings by contextualizing them within the framework of first-century Mediterranean culture. Taking into account that the sayings represent God’s speech and are “intrinsic manifestations of Jesus’ entire life and mission” the author empathetically insists on the necessity of placing the sayings into their proper historical and intellectual contexts to extract their significance. He does so because the un-contextualized reading of ancient sources leads to the fusion of ancient and modern horizons and results in misinterpretations at best and to significant doctrinal distortions of the original meaning at worst.



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Also Published In

Power and Authority in the Eastern Christian Experience: Papers of the Sophia Institute Academic Conference, New York, December 2010
Theotokos Press

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Academic Units
Sophia Institute
Sophia Institute Studies in Orthodox Theology, 3
Published Here
February 8, 2013