Presentations (Communicative Events)

The Fundamental Role of The States In Governance Issues

Gano, Karen

Attorneys General in every state have responsibility, on behalf of the public interest, to ensure that assets dedicated to charitable purposes are protected for those purposes. The Attorney General’s duty arises from the responsibility of the parens patriae as representative of the indefinite members of the public – the public at large – who are the beneficiaries of property devoted to charitable purposes. The Attorney General’s enforcement power on behalf of the public interest in protecting charitable assets “extends to all assets dedicated to charitable purpose, regardless of the legal form – corporation, trust, or voluntary association – in which they are held.” When governance failures threaten the stability of a charitable organization, or enable waste or diversion of its assets, the Attorney General is often the only party with standing to intervene.


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Another paper from the same panel is available in Academic Commons.

"Improving Charity Governance with Advance Rulings" by Linda Sugin -

Access all papers from the 2013 Charities Regulation and Oversight Project Policy Conference in Academic Commons