
Russia's Market Transition: Who Has Lost and How?

Desai, Padma B.; Idson, Todd

In this paper, we analyze a variety of labor market adjustment issues facing Russian households from 1992 to 1996 on the basis of a panel data set which allows us to group the sample respondents by demographic, occupational and job location features. We employ multivariate specifications for analyzing patterns of job security and job replacement concerns, involuntary layoffs and voluntary quits, forced unpaid leave and its duration, monthly hours of work and short-time, no employment spell and unemployment incidence as they affected our respondents selected by demographic characteristics, occupation, and region. Among our principal finding is that men and women had increased fears of job loss and increased pessimism about their reemployment prospects during the years considered here but women had borne a greater burden of the majority of the "quantity" or employment adjustments.



More About This Work

Academic Units
Department of Economics, Columbia University
Department of Economics Discussion Papers, 9798-02
Published Here
March 3, 2011


September 1997