
#ICCB2013 Nautiluses, Endemic Fishes and Twitter – a wrap up

Drew, Joshua Adam

I am sitting in the Baltimore Amtrak station, trying to wrap my head around the diversity of events, talks and conversations that occurred during the past week at the Society for Conservation Biology meetings.

The ICCB is the biggest meeting for Conservation Biologists and I honestly love going to them. More than any other meeting I attend, I find the ConBio meetings feel like family reunions. They’re a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and to make new acquaintances and contacts. The meeting also provides an opportunity to see new research and get a sense for emerging trends in conservation.



Also Published In

The Drew Lab at Columbia University: Ecology, Evolution And Conservation Of Coral Reefs

More About This Work

Academic Units
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology
Published Here
October 6, 2014