
The effect of perinatal anxiety on bronchiolitis is influenced by polymorphisms in ROS-related genes

Lee, Eun; Chang, Hyoung; Lee, Kyung-Sook; Suh, Dong; Yu, Ho-Sung; Kang, Mi-Jin; Choi, In; Park, Jinah; Kim, Kyung; Shin, Youn; Ahn, Kang; Kwon, Ja-Young; Choi, Suk-Joo; Lee, Kyung-Ju; Won, Hye-Sung; Yang, Song; Jung, Young-Ho; Kim, Hyung; Seo, Ju-Hee; Kwon, Ji-Won; Kim, Byoung-Ju; Kim, Hyo-Bin; Lee, So-Yeon; Kim, Eun-Jin; Lee, Joo-Shil; Keyes Wild, Katherine M.; Shin, Yee-Jin; Hong, Soo-Jong

Exposure to perinatal anxiety affects disease susceptibility in offspring but studies on the association between perinatal anxiety and gene polymorphisms are lacking. This study aimed to elucidate the interaction between perinatal anxiety and polymorphisms in antioxidant defense and innate immunity genes on the development of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) during early infancy. Trait anxiety levels in 440 women were assessed by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory during late gestation. The occurrence of RTIs, including bronchiolitis, during the first year of life was assessed by parent-reported doctor diagnosis. Polymorphisms in glutathione S-transferase P-1 (GSTP1, rs1695) and CD14 (rs2569190) were genotyped using the TaqMan assay. Copy number variations of GSTT1 were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Exposure to high levels of perinatal anxiety increased the risk of bronchiolitis in the first year of life (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.30; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.00–1.80), in particular among children with the AG + GG genotype of GSTP1 or the GSTT1 null genotype (aOR 3.36 and 2.79). In infants with the TC + CC genotype of CD14, high levels of perinatal anxiety were associated with an increased risk of upper RTI, lower RTI, and bronchiolitis (aOR 2.51, 4.60, and 4.31, respectively). Perinatal maternal anxiety levels affect the occurrence of bronchiolitis in offspring. The effect of perinatal anxiety on the occurrence of bronchiolitis during infancy was influenced by genetic polymorphisms in antioxidant defense and innate immunity genes.


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BMC Pulmonary Medicine

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BioMed Central
Published Here
October 10, 2014