Theses Doctoral

Dynamics, Graph Theory, and Barsotti-Tate Groups: Variations on a Theme of Mochizuki

Krishnamoorthy, Raju

In this dissertation, we study etale correspondence of hyperbolic curves with unbounded dynamics. Mochizuki proved that over a field of characteristic 0, such curves are always Shimura curves. We explore variants of this question in positive characteristic, using graph theory, l-adic local systems, and Barsotti-Tate groups. Given a correspondence with unbounded dynamics, we construct an infinite graph with a large group of ”algebraic” automorphisms and roughly measures the ”generic dynamics” of the correspondence. We construct a specialization map to a graph representing the actual dynamics. Along the way, we formulate conjectures that etale correspondences with unbounded dynamics behave similarly to Hecke correspondences of Shimura curves. Using graph theory, we show that type (3,3) etale correspondences verify various parts of this philosophy. Key in the second half of this dissertation is a recent p-adic Langlands correspondence, due to Abe, which answers affirmatively the petites camarades conjecture of Deligne in the case of curves. This allows us the build a correspondence between rank 2 l-adic local systems with trivial determinant and Frobenius traces in Q and certain height 2, dimension 1 Barsotti-Tate groups. We formulate a conjecture on the fields of definitions of certain compatible systems of l-adic representations. Relatedly, we conjecture that the Barsotti-Tate groups over complete curves in positive characteristic may be ”algebraized” to abelian schemes.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
de Jong, Aise Johan
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
April 14, 2016