
From molecular chemistry to supramolecular chemistry to superdupermolecular chemistry. Controlling covalent bond formation through non-covalent and magnetic interactions

Turro, Nicholas J.

The reactions of carbon centered radical pairs often involve diffusion controlled combination and/or disproportionation reactions which are non-selective. A triplet geminate pair of radicals is produced by the photolysis of suitable ketones. The reactions of such geminate pairs can be controlled though the application of supramolecular concepts which emphasize non-covalent interaction to steer the geminate pair toward a selected pathway. In addition, "superdupermolecular" concepts, which emphasize the control of radical pair reactions through the orientation of electron spins, can be employed to further control the course of geminate pair reactions. Examples of control of a range of the selectivity of geminate radical combinations, which form strong covalent bonds, through supramolecular and superdupermolecular effects will be presented for the photolysis of ketones adsorbed in the supercages of zeolites.


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July 23, 2010