
Voice for the Voiceless: Southern Sudanese Voice for Freedom Report on Sudanese Refugees in Israel

Goldberg, Danielle; Mulla, Jimmy; Lee, Paulette

Southern Sudanese Voice for Freedom (SSVF) president Jimmy Mulla, SSVF vice president White Walla, Sudanese activist Simon Deng, and New York-based freelance journalist Heather Robinson traveled to Israel May 17-25, 2008 to learn about the challenges facing Sudanese refugees there, and to seek ways to help through collaboration with the Israeli government, the United Nations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), individuals working with the refugees, and community representatives. The trip was also a follow-up to Simon Deng's appeal to the Israeli government to grant Sudanese refugees a temporary status and not return them to Egypt, out of fear for their safety. In preparation for and during the trip, we established relationships with the Israeli Embassy and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in the U.S., the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Israel, Israeli refugee advocacy NGOs, the Hebrew Immigration and Aid Society in Tel Aviv, ADL in Jerusalem, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), and the Mesila Foundation in Tel Aviv. We also toured Yad Vashem's Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem. This report presents our findings and impressions concerning the plight of Sudanese refugees in Israel, and our recommendations for addressing their needs.

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Academic Units
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Southern Sudanese Voice for Freedom
Published Here
April 12, 2012