
Health Needs Assessment for Mekelle City, Ethiopia

Giorgi, Genessa; Krishnan, Kripa

In recent years, tremendous progress has been made in Ethiopia and in Tigray towards attaining the health-related United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With a united focus, the health professionals, governmental workers, non-governmental actors and community members can work together to make Mekelle a healthier city. HIV/AIDS, TB, upper respiratory infections and malnutrition are the city's major health challenges; the prime causes of child morbidity and mortality are pneumonia, diarrhea and malnutrition. To accelerate the reduction in maternal mortality, improved access to antenatal care and health facilities staffed with skilled birth attendants are essential. Indeed, through the research undertaken for this needs assessment, MCI has found that MDGs 4, 5 and 6 can be accomplished in Mekelle, at relatively low cost--particularly when compared to the heavy financial burden of treating those suffering from the grave and debilitating diseases mentioned above.

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Academic Units
Millennium Cities Initiative
Millennium Cities Initiative
MCI Social Sector Working Paper Series, 6/2009
Published Here
May 10, 2010