
Notes and News

Todd, Henry Alfred; Weeks, Raymond

An important change with regard to French and German has been established at Harvard. For many years, French A and German A have been required of all candidates for the A.B. degree. In addition to this, there is now to be a special oral examination to precede admission to the Junior class. This new test will make doubly sure that all the students can use French and German freely in literary and scientific courses before the beginning of the studies of the Junior year. A reading, and not a speaking, knowledge is what is to be insisted upon. All who are interested in discovering the truth concerning the French occupation of territory within the limits of the present United States should read the volume by C. W. Alvord: Kaskaskia Records, which is briefly mentioned among our reviews.
This section of Romanic Review includes news form different academic institutions as well as the works of various scholars in the field.

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Romanic Review

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Academic Units
French and Romance Philology
Columbia University Press
Published Here
July 13, 2015


Source: / Bibliothèque nationale de France