
Self-knowledge (but not : "know thyself")

Coliva, Annalisa

"If I ask you right now “What are you thinking?”, or “What are you feeling?” you really
don’t seem to have a lot of work to do in order to be able to answer my question. Be
sincere—nobody is going to hear you—and voice it out loud “What a bore, I have this
paper to read for the Fellows’ luncheon. It’s in philosophy of mind—mmh, what is it?—;
I can’t wait to go back to my own stuff. Well, after all, life is almost perfect at the Italian
Academy, I guess I can put up with this little chore”. So easy: to know your own mind
takes just one moment reflection and you can immediately pour out a whole series of
thoughts, beliefs, desires, feelings, emotions and sensations."



More About This Work

Academic Units
Italian Academy
Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University
Italian Academy Fellows' Seminar Working Papers
Published Here
March 31, 2011