
Real-Time Visual Servoing

Allen, Peter K.; Yoshimi, Billibon; Timcenko, Aleksandar

This paper describes a new real-time tracking algorithm in conjunction with a predictive filter to allow real-time visual servoing of a robotic arm that is following a moving object. The system consists of two calibrated (but unregistered) cameras that provide images to a real-time, pipelined-parallel optic-flow algorithm that can robustly compute optic-flow and calculate the 3-D position of a moving object at approximately 5 Hz rates. These 3-D positions of the moving object serve as input to a predictive kinematic control algorithm that uses an α - β - γ filter to update the position of a robotic arm tracking the moving object. Experimental results are presented for the tracking of a moving model train in a variety of different trajectories.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-035-90
Published Here
March 8, 2012