
Semiotic Practice and Internet Freedom Discourse

Carrasco, William J.

This paper delineates some of the dominant thematics and enunciative structures that characterize semiotic situations that emerge when internet freedom is at stake. Given the vast extension and complexity of signifying systems and utterances that are put into play, our initial goal is to understand how a resolution of these heterogeneities is achieved. By examining a selection of internet practices that articulate the theme of internet freedom, we will demonstrate how the different semiotic planes of immanence (i.e., signs, text-utterances, objects, practices, strategies, forms of life) are integrated. Our primary focus is on the level of semiotic practices, and how its integration with other levels of pertinence can contribute to defining internet freedom discourse within the framework of a Semiotics of Culture.


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Also Published In

Semiotics 2012: Semiotics and The New Media
Legas Publishing

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Academic Units
Biology (Barnard College)
Published Here
August 6, 2014