Theses Master's

Shifting from Driving to Riding: a study of the impacts of on-demand cab services on public transit ridership and vehicle ownership in Hyderabad, India

Aluri, Jahnavi

This thesis explores the effects of on-demand cab services, Uber and Ola, on public transit ridership and vehicle ownership in Hyderabad, India. India has grown to be Uber’s third largest market in the world but still lacks any comprehensive policies at the federal level to regulate on-demand cab services. These services have risen in popularity and have led to the evolution of new ownership and financial models to help populations afford a car to “drive to work.” This research examines the spatial effects of this rising popularity on public transit ridership and vehicle ownership in Hyderabad. This research found that there has been a shift in the proportion of on-demand cabs and cars to all vehicles from 2010 to 2016. This research also found that annual occupancy ratio along bus routes in the city has decreased from 2014 to 2016. This research found that these relationships are localized in the city. This thesis concludes by recommending further studies be carried out to understand the full extent of these effects to effectively incorporate these technologies and plan for the future mobility of city residents.

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More About This Work

Academic Units
Urban Planning
Thesis Advisors
Meisterlin, Leah M.
M.S., Columbia University
Published Here
June 30, 2017