1992 Articles
Racism in Developmental Psychology
The first issue of the Division Newsletter following the APA meeting in August traditionally includes the division "presidential address." This year, I am breaking with that tradition since a large part of my address will appear in the book: The Transition from Infancy to Language: Acquiring the Power of Expression (Cambridge University Press, in press). Instead I am using the opportunity to summarize the symposium I organized for this year's division program: "Racism in Developmental Research." Few members of the division attended the symposium because APA, in its wisdom, scheduled virtually all events having to do with "ethnic and minority" at the one hotel, of the four convention hotels, that was clear across town - and it was raining. So it goes. My "ethnic and minority" colleagues tell me they are used to it; I now know a little of what it feels like to be a member of a minority group.
Div7APAPresidentialMessage_Fall-Winter1992_9-3-2016.pdf application/pdf 374 KB Download File
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- Developmental Psychology Newsletter
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- Academic Units
- Human Development
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- American Psychological Association
- Published Here
- September 13, 2016