
Rapid location of mount points

Smith, Jonathan M.

"Mount points" allow more storage to be grafted into tree-structured hierarchical file systems. Administrative tasks use their locations, which are tabulated in a file. In our System V UNIX environment, this file was occasionally removed. Getmnt was written to recover the information. Getmnt has had three significant versions. The original version (getmntl) was a highly optimized naive tree traversal. Getmnt2 improved the real time performance by a mean factor of 7 by pruning unnecessary branches from the transversal. Getmnt3 doubled getmnt2' s speed, with a change from depth-first to breadth-first search. On our development system, getmnt1 required 647.6 seconds to run, while getmnt3 required 42.53 seconds.



More About This Work

Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-366-88
Published Here
April 20, 2011