
D. R. Congo: Explaining Peace Building Failures, 2003-2006

Autesserre, Severine

As a corrective to the emphasis on national and international reconciliation during peace building processes, I develop here a conceptual analysis of the dynamics of violence during the transition from war to peace and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo between 2003 and 2006. I locate the sources, at the local, national, and regional levels, of continued local violence during this transition. Through an analysis of the situation in the provinces of North Kivu and North Katanga, I illustrate how local dynamics interacted with the national and regional dimensions of the conflict. I demonstrate that, after a national and regional settlement was reached, some local conflicts over land and political power increasingly became self-sustaining, autonomous, and disconnected from the national and regional tracks. Thus, peace building action was required not only at the national and regional levels but also locally.

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Also Published In

Review of African Political Economy

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Academic Units
Political Science (Barnard College)
Published Here
April 16, 2014


Preferred citation: Severine Autesserre, “D.R. Congo: Explaining Peace Building Failures, 2003-2006,” Review of African Political Economy, 113 (34), pp. 423-442, 2007.