Theses Master's

The Mixed Race Experience in America: Double Exclusion

Cohen, Kimberly

The mixed-race population is the fastest growing minority in the United States. The current racial stratification system does not adequately account for the diversity of this group nor properly recognize multiracial minorities. This flawed system leads to social and cultural exclusion for this population as well as a lack of recognition in race-based policies. With inaccurate or non-existent data, the multiracial population is not properly protected or served. In addition, the current political trend around race is becoming more conservative and less open to discussions beyond the white/non-white binary. This trend will continue to leave out multiracial Americans from the racial narrative and have implications for race-based policies in the future. This paper aims to illuminate the growing needs of the fastest growing American minority. This paper shines a light on the struggle of mixed race people in America’s rigid, dated, racial system and also acts as a wake-up call to lawmakers, pointing to a lack of inclusive policies, recognition and protections that will need to be addressed as this population grows.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Institute for the Study of Human Rights
Thesis Advisors
Ikawa, Daniela
M.A., Columbia University
Published Here
May 1, 2017