Theses Doctoral

Estimating the Q-matrix for Cognitive Diagnosis Models in a Bayesian Framework

Chung, Meng-ta

This research aims to develop an MCMC algorithm for estimating the Q-matrix in a Bayesian framework. A saturated multinomial model was used to estimate correlated attributes in the DINA model and rRUM. Closed-forms of posteriors for guess and slip parameters were derived for the DINA model. The random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm was applied to parameter estimation in the rRUM. An algorithm for reducing potential label switching was incorporated into the estimation procedure. A method for simulating data with correlated attributes for the DINA model and rRUM was offered.
Three simulation studies were conducted to evaluate the algorithm for Bayesian estimation. Twenty simulated data sets for simulation study 1 were generated from independent attributes for the DINA model and rRUM. A hundred data sets from correlated attributes were generated for the DINA and rRUM with guess and slip parameters set to 0.2 in simulation study 2. Simulation study 3 analyzed data sets simulated from the DINA model with guess and slip parameters generated from Uniform (0.1, 0.4). Results from simulation studies showed that the Q-matrix recovery rate was satisfactory. Using the fraction-subtraction data, an empirical study was conducted for the DINA model and rRUM. The estimated Q-matrices from the two models were compared with the expert-designed Q-matrix.


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Academic Units
Measurement and Evaluation
Thesis Advisors
Johnson, Matthew S.
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
July 7, 2014