
A Case of Myoclonus–Dystonia Responding to Low-frequency Pallidal Stimulation

Sarva, Harini; Miravite, Joan; Swan, Matthew C.; Deik, Andres; Raymond, Deborah; Severt, William L.; Kopell, Brian H.

Background: High frequency pallidal stimulation has been shown to improve various types of dystonia, including myoclonus-dystonia.

Case Report: We report a case of epsilon sarcoglycan mutation-negative myoclonus-dystonia (MD) with response to low frequency bilateral pallidal stimulation.

Discussion: Low frequency pallidal stimulation provides an effective means of treating various dystonias, regardless of genetic status, as in our case, as it provides increased programming options with less adverse effects.


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Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements

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Academic Units
Center for Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
Published Here
November 22, 2017