
Astrochemistry in an Ion Storage Ring

Novotny, Oldrich; Berg, M. H.; Buhr, H.; Froese, M.; Geppert, W.; Grieser, M.; Grussie, F.; Hamberg, M.; Krantz, C.; Lestinsky, M.; Mendes, M.; Nordhorn, C.; Novotny, S.; Orlov, D. A.; Petrignani, A.; Shornikov, A.; Stutzel, J.; Schwalm, D.; Savin, Daniel Wolf; Wolf, A.

Storage ring studies of low energy electron collisions with molecular ions have been carried out for dissociative recombination (DR) of fluorine-bearing molecules. Here we report on work aiming to improve the understanding of astrochemistry involving HF, a possible spectroscopic tracer of interstellar H2. For CF+ the rate coefficient was obtained for temperatures down to 10 K. For D2F+ the DR fragmentation branching ratios were determined to be 66(3)%, 24(2)%, and 10(2)% for the F+D+D, DF+D, and D2+F channels, respectively. The molecular DR products of this reaction, DF and D2, display an unusually high level of internal excitation, close to their dissociation limit.


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Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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Astronomy and Astrophysics
Published Here
April 5, 2013