
Saints or Communists? Educating Orthodox Christian Youth for Love of the Neighbor

Bezzerides, Ann

For the Christian religious education of Orthodox youth, specifically high school and college students, there is a growing focus on love of and service to the needy neighbor. This focus is long in coming: the Orthodox churches in the United States have generally not been known for their social outreach to those outside their own ethnicity and a good place to change this is through educating our youth. This focus is also much needed among a population of youth in America who have been called “Generation Me” and who might not naturally look outward in their spiritual pilgrimage.


Also Published In

Philanthropy and Social Compassion in Eastern Orthodox Tradition: Papers of the Sophia Institute Academic Conference, New York, Dec. 2009
Theotokos Press

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Academic Units
Sophia Institute
Sophia Institute Studies in Orthodox Theology, 2
Published Here
September 14, 2011