
Getting Back to Idolatry Critique: Kingdom, Kingdom, and the Triune Gift Economy

Horstkoetter, David

Liberation theology has largely ceased to develop critiques of idolatry, especially in the United States. I will argue that the critique is still viable in Christian theology and promising for the future of liberation theology, by way of reformulating Ada María Isasi-Díaz’s framework of kin-dom within the triune economy. Ultimately this will mean reconsidering our understanding of and commitment to divinity and each other—in a word, faith.

The idea to move liberation theology from theology to other disciplines drives discussion in liberation theology circles, especially in the US, as we talk about the future. Yet if we turn to, say, social and critical theory as primary lenses, can the future of liberation theology still allow for the charge of idolatry that it once maintained? To say yes to idolatry critique seems to require something that other disciplines cannot fully support or sometimes even consider: namely faith as humanity’s positive response to both transcendent and immanent divine work.


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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September 22, 2015