
Upper Precambrian (Eocambrian) Mineral Fork Tillite of Utah: A Continental Glacial and Glaciomarine Sequence: Discussion and Reply

Christie-Blick, Nicholas; Ojakangas, Richard W.; Matsch, Charles L.

Christie-Blick discussion abstract: The observations and interpretation of the Mineral Fork Tillite by Ojakangas and Matsch (1980) are most welcome. I concur with them and others that the formation is glaciogenic. However, I suggest that polish and striations on the underlying unconformity for the most part are not due to Proterozoic glacial activity, and I propose modifications to their over-all interpretation of the sequence in the Mineral Fork area.
Ojakangas and Matsch reply abstract: We welcome Christie-Blick's comments, for they may serve to generate further interest in the excellent exposures of diamictite in the Big Cottonwood Canyon area of the Wasatch Range, exposures which may be among the best preserved late Proterozoic (Eocambrian) diamictites anywhere. Basically, he concurs with our major interpretation that the Mineral Fork Tillite is indeed of glacial origin, but his interpretation differs from ours in some important aspects.

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The Geological Society of America Bulletin

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