2012 Essays
Romney Had It Easier When He Had a Primary
It is critical for Romney that he use these months to continue to define himself to broader swaths of the American electorate, but, by failing to break through with a compelling reason for voters to pay attention to him, Romney has allowed Obama to do this instead. During the primaries, Romney consistently sought to present himself, with some success, as the voice of reason and maturity in a crowded Republican field. Now, because Gingrich, Santorum, and Romney's other foils are gone, Obama is the one defining Romney -- but as the out-of-touch rich guy who tied his dog to the roof of his car and who might or might not have gone after bin Laden. For Romney, this is much worse than drubbing Santorum or Ron Paul in a few states every week.
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- Huffington Post
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- Harriman Institute
- Published Here
- May 9, 2012