Theses Master's

A Renaissance City: Analyzing the Role of Arts and Cultural Infrastructure in the Revitalization of Cleveland

Koos, Sarah R.

Cleveland is infamously known in the urban planning field as a post-industrial
shrinking city. However, Cleveland has immense infrastructure in the arts and culture sector that has carried the city through some of its darkest hours. This thesis hopes to demonstrate how these arts and cultural assets can be resources that are capitalized on to revitalize Cleveland and improve the quality of life for its community. This thesis explores the relationship of arts and cultural institutions with Cleveland’s revitalization through the realms of economic and employment impact, increased urban migration and residential development, improved educational program benefits, and the positive enhancement of community development. Analyses come from literature analysis, archival research, and interviews with stakeholders in the arts institutions and community organization leaders. With Cleveland as a case study, this thesis provides a context in which urban planners, policy makers, and stakeholders can understand the role of art infrastructure as a fundamental element in urban revival and sustenance.

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More About This Work

Academic Units
Urban Planning
Thesis Advisors
Sutton, Stacey Ann
M.S., Columbia University
Published Here
June 10, 2013