Data (Information)

9th International Data Curation Conference Twitter Archive, #IDCC14, February 17-March 17, 2014

Nurnberger, Amy L.; Hawksey, Martin

This collection of Twitter data was harvested using version 5.1 of Martin Hawksey's Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS v5.1), which is available from his blog ( Tweets were harvested using the hashtag #IDCC14, which was associated with the International Data Curation Conference held in San Francisco, CA on February 24-27, 2014. The earliest archived tweet is from February 17, 2014. The latest is from March 17, 2014.


  • thumnail for IDCC14TwitterArchive_20140217-0317.csv IDCC14TwitterArchive_20140217-0317.csv text/comma-separated-values 2.06 MB Download File

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Academic Units
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
Published Here
March 19, 2014