
Change Management Support for Large Software Systems

Kaiser, Gail E.; Perry, Dewayne E.; Schwanke, Robert W.

This technical report consists of three related papers in the area of management of source code changes for large software systems. Infuse: A Toolfor Automatically Managing and Coordinating Source Changes in Large Systems presents Infuse, a software engineering environment that automatically panitions the source code files to be changed in order to limit the complexity of change propagation and negotiation of conflicting changes. Workspaces and Experimental Databases: Automated Support for Cooperation Among Programmers describes Infuse in more detail, focusing on the interactions between Infuse and source code modification tools. Smarter Recompilation presents an algorithm that could be used by Infuse or other software engineering environments to reduce recompilation costs after source code changes.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-224-86
Published Here
October 31, 2011