Theses Doctoral

Bordered Sutured Floer Homology

Zarev, Rumen

We investigate the relationship between two versions of Heegaard Floer homology for 3-manifolds with boundary--the sutured Floer homology of Juhasz, and the bordered Heegaard Floer homology of Lipshitz, Ozsvath, and Thurston. We define a new invariant called Bordered sutured Floer homology which encompasses these two invariants as special cases. Using the properties of this new invariant we prove a correspondence between the original bordered and sutured homologies. In one direction we prove that for a 3-manifold Y with connected boundary F = dY , and sutures Gamma in dY , we can compute the sutured Floer homology SFH(Y ) from the bordered invariant CFA(Y )A(F ). The chain complex SFC(Y, Gamma) defining SFH is quasi-isomorphic to the derived tensor product CFA(Y )xCFD(Gamma) where A(F )CFD(Gamma) is a module associated to Gamma.

In the other direction we give a description of the bordered invariants in terms of sutured Floer homology. If F is a closed connected surface, then the bordered algebra A(F) is a direct sum of certain sutured Floer complexes. These correspond to the 3-manifold (F \ D2;)×[0,1], where the sutures vary in a finite collection. Similarly, if Y is a connected 3-manifold with boundary dY = F , the module CFA(Y)A(F) is a direct sum of sutured Floer complexes for Y where the sutures on dY vary over a finite collection. The multiplication structure on A(F) and the action of A(F) on CFA(Y) correspond to a natural gluing map on sutured Floer homology. (Further work of the author shows that this map coincides with the one defined by Honda, Kazez, and Matic, using contact topology and open book decompositions).


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Ozsvath, Peter S.
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
May 17, 2011