
La Linea Baja: Reimagining Puerto Plata as a Pedestrian-Oriented, Inclusive City

Fischer, Lauren Ames; Zuk, Darryl Andrew

The following report considers current development challenges facing the region of Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. Based on historical research, meetings with local and national stakeholders and site visits conducted during a week-long excursion in October 2011, the report summarizes the transportation challenges and opportunities for Puerto Plata and surrounding communities. It provides perspective on options for re-conceptualizing the urban grid to prepare the region for future growth. The analysis supports development of alternative transportation systems that prioritize non-motorized transit in a medium density environment. The proposed plan, called La Linea Baja, increases access for residents and tourists, creates an authentic urban form that supports development of public space and locally-oriented industries and mitigates the environmental harms caused by the current pattern of development. In addition, it argues for the development of a formalized data collection process that monitors transportation patterns and a participatory planning process that empowers local residents to become involved with planning decisions that affect their lives. By considering this proposal and the philosophical urban form proposed, policymakers can leverage local assets to provide additional economic opportunity and sustainable development in the Puerto Plata region.

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Academic Units
Urban Planning
Published Here
April 6, 2015