
Direct Observation of the Spontaneous Emission of the Hyperfine Transition F = 4 to F = 3 in Ground State Hydrogenlike 165Ho66+ in an Electron Beam Ion Trap

Savin, Daniel Wolf; Lopez-Urrutia, Jose R. Crespo; Beiersdorfer, P.; Widmann, Klaus

We report the first direct laboratory measurement of the spontaneous emission due to the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of a highly charged hydrogenlike ion excited by electron collisions. The transition between the F = 4 and F = 3 levels of the 1s2S1/2 configuration of hydrogenlike 165Ho65+ was observed and its wavelength was determined to 5726.4±1.5Å. After taking into account relativistic, nuclear charge distribution, Bohr-Weisskopf, and QED corrections, we observe a significant deviation from commonly tabulated values of the nuclear dipole magnetic moment of this nucleus


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Physical Review Letters

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Academic Units
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Published Here
March 29, 2013