2016 Theses Doctoral
Development of Data Analytics and Modeling Tools for Civil Infrastructure Condition Monitoring Applications
This dissertation focuses on the development of data analytics approaches to two distinct important condition monitoring applications in civil infrastructure: structural health monitoring and road surface monitoring. In the first part, measured vibration responses of a major long-span bridge are used to identify its modal properties. Variations in natural frequencies over a daily cycle have been observed with measured data, which are probably due to environmental effects such as temperature and traffic. With a focus on understanding the relationships between natural frequencies and temperatures, a controlled simulation-based study is conducted with the use of a full-scale finite element (FE) model and four regression models. In addition to the temperature effect study, the identified modal properties and the FE model are used to explore both deterministic and probabilistic model updating approaches. In the deterministic approach (sensitivity-based model updating), the regularization technique is applied to deal with a trade-off between natural frequency and mode shape agreements. Specific nonlinear constraints on mode shape agreements are suggested here. Their capabilities to adjust mode shape agreements are validated with the FE model. To the best of the author's knowledge, the sensitivity-based clustering technique, which enables one to determine efficient updating parameters based on a sensitivity analysis, has not previously been applied to any civil structure. Therefore, this technique is adapted and applied to a full-scale bridge model for the first time to highlight its capability and robustness to select physically meaningful updating parameters based on the sensitivity of natural frequencies with respect to both mass and stiffness-related physical parameters. Efficient and physically meaningful updating parameters are determined by the sensitivity-based clustering technique, resulting in an updated model that has a better agreement with measured data sets. When it comes to the probabilistic approach, the application of Bayesian model updating to large-scale civil structures based on real data is very rare and challenging due to the high level of uncertainties associated with the complexity of a large-scale model and variations in natural frequencies and mode shapes identified from real measured data. In this dissertation, the full-scale FE model is updated via the Bayesian model updating framework in an effort to explore the applicability of Bayesian model updating to a more complex and realistic problem. Uncertainties of updating parameters, uncertainty reductions due to information provided by data sets, and uncertainty propagations to modal properties of the FE model are estimated based on generated posterior samples.
In the second part of this dissertation, a new innovative framework is developed to collect pavement distress data via multiple vehicles. Vehicle vibration responses are used to detect isolated pavement distress and rough road surfaces. GPS positioning data are used to localize identified road conditions. A real-time local data logging algorithm is developed to increase the efficiency of data logging in each vehicle client. Supervised machine learning algorithms are implemented to classify measured dynamic responses into three categories. Since data are collected from multiple vehicles, the trajectory clustering algorithm is introduced to integrate various trajectories to provide a compact format of information about road surface conditions. The suggested framework is tested and evaluated in real road networks.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
- Thesis Advisors
- Smyth, Andrew W.
- Degree
- Ph.D., Columbia University
- Published Here
- September 27, 2016