
This summer’s research, #CUinFiji and tweeting an expedition

Drew, Joshua Adam

The semester is winding down and accordingly I’m ramping up my research plans for the summer. The big event this year will be leading an expedition to Fiji with support from the Mindlin Foundation, Columbia University and the American Museum of Natural History. Briefly we have several goals for the expedition. The first will be to build collections of coral reef fishes from shallow (<30m) of Fiji. Specifically we are hoping to sample an area before it is placed in a tabu (a traditional temporary no-take) protected area. We will also be sampling in a non-protected control area. We then hope to secure enough funding to repeat this sampling over the next five to seven years to explore issues of conservation management effectiveness and no-take mediated trophic cascades.

Geographic Areas



  • thumnail for Tweeting_an_Expedition.pdf Tweeting_an_Expedition.pdf application/pdf 438 KB Download File

Also Published In

The Drew Lab at Columbia University: Ecology, Evolution And Conservation Of Coral Reefs

More About This Work

Academic Units
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology
Published Here
October 8, 2014