
Reply to Comment by Robert F. Butler, Steven R. May, and David R. Bazard on "High-Latitude Paleomagnetic Poles From Middle Jurassic Plutons and Moat Volcanics in New England . . ."

Van Fossen, Mickey C.; Kent, Dennis V.

Butler et al. [this issue] question the reliability of our 166 Ma
Moat volcanics pole (82øN, 090øE, A95 = 5.6 ø) and high-latitude
model for Middle Jurassic North American apparent polar wander
(APW) [Van Fossen and Kent, 1990]. They review arguments in
support of the 172 Ma Corral Canyon result (62øN, 116øE, A95 =
6.2 ø [May et al., 1986]) as a key Middle Jurassic reference pole for
their lower-latitude palcomagnetic Euler pole model of Jurassic
North American APW [May and Butler, 1986]. In this reply we
address their concerns and maintain that the Corral Canyon pole
and the lower-latitude model of APW it contributes to are suspect
in light of global Jurassic palcomagnetic data and especially recent
palcomagnetic studies that document tectonic rotations in the
Basin and Range province of southern Arizona where the Corral
Canyon pole was obtained.

Geographic Areas



Also Published In

Journal of Geophysical Research

More About This Work

Academic Units
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Biology and Paleo Environment
Published Here
August 30, 2011


Title continues: ". . . and the Controversy Regarding Jurassic Apparent Polar Wander for North America."