Performances (Creative Events)

Orlando Innamorato: A Journey in Epic Theater from the Rocca dei Boiardo to Central Park and the castles of the Apulia region

Cavallo, Jo Ann

From the DVD Orlando Innamorato: A Journey in Epic Theater (interviews and scenes):

0:49 - 7:58 Orlando Innamorato in commedia (performed in Scandiano [RE] in the Rocca dei Boiardo, July 20-22, 2000).

7:58 - 14:14 Il giardino di Falerina (performed in Scandiano [RE] and in Vico del Gargano [FG], July 19, 20, 21, 27, and 28, 2001).

14:15 - 16:10 Orlando in Love (performed in New York City, at the Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park, September 21, 2003).

The above plays were based on episodes from the romance epic poem Orlando Innamorato by Matteo Maria Boiardo, adapted into comedies (and, in the latter case, also translated) by Jo Ann Cavallo, directed by Vittorio Capotorto of Teatromania. The first two plays were performed in the context of the Columbia University Summer Program in Scandiano, with the collaboration of the Compagnia Teatro Nuovo of Scandiano.


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June 13, 2014