
Pidal, R. Menendez, El Romancero Espanol (Book Review)

FitzGerald, John D.

El Roruancero Español, conferencias dadas en la Columbia University de New York, los dias 5 y 7 de Abril de 1909, bajo los auspicios de The Hispanic Society of America, por RamÓn Menéndez Pidal. The Hispanic Society of America, 1910. Large 8vo, pp. 131.

The title, as quoted above, practically tells the story of the origin of the work under examination. In the attractive form to which the Hispanic Society has accustomed us in its publications, the volume reproduces the lectures just as they were originally delivered. Those who were fortunate enough to hear them will rejoice that such is the case, for in reading them now they will be able to hear again the ringing voice of the lecturer as he swings through his sonorous periods.

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Romanic Review

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French and Romance Philology
Columbia University Press
Published Here
July 31, 2015


Source: / Bibliothèque nationale de France