
A 2CUL Collaborative Ethnographic Assessment of Humanities Doctoral Students

Castro Gessner, Gabriela; Jaggars, Damon E.; Rutner, Jennifer; Tancheva, Kornelia

This paper examines the processes taken to design and administer a collaborative ethnographic study of humanities doctoral students within an inter-institutional, collaborative framework. Project organization and management, including the creation of instruments and analysis of results across two local research teams and institutional cultures is discussed. Effective communications, among and between project teams, and time management were identified as critical factors for success. Benefits resulting from the project included an improved understanding of the needs of a key user group, a heightened interest in user assessment and data-driven decision making among staff within the partner organizations, and a deeper engagement with important academic administrators on both campuses.


  • thumnail for 2CUL_Collaborative_Ethnographic_Assessment.pdf 2CUL_Collaborative_Ethnographic_Assessment.pdf application/pdf 440 KB Download File

Also Published In

Proceedings of the 2012 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment, October 29–31, 2012 Charlottesville, VA
Association of Research Libraries

More About This Work

Academic Units
Libraries and Information Services
Published Here
September 18, 2014