Theses Doctoral

Survival Analysis using Bivariate Archimedean Copulas

Chandra, Krishnendu

In this dissertation we solve the nonidentifiability problem of Archimedean copula models based on dependent censored data (see [Wang, 2012]). We give a set of identifiability conditions for a special class of bivariate frailty models. Our simulation results show that our proposed model is identifiable under our proposed conditions. We use EM algorithm to estimate unknown parameters and the proposed estimation approach can be applied to fit dependent censored data when the dependence is of research interest. The marginal survival functions can be estimated using the copula-graphic estimator (see [Zheng and Klein, 1995] and [Rivest and Wells, 2001]) or the estimator proposed by [Wang, 2014]. We also propose two model selection procedures for Archimedean copula models, one for uncensored data and the other one for right censored bivariate data. Our simulation results are similar to that of [Wang and Wells, 2000] and suggest that both procedures work quite well. The idea of our proposed model selection procedure originates from the model selection procedure for Archimedean copula models proposed by [Wang and Wells, 2000] for right censored bivariate data using the L2 norm corresponding to the Kendall distribution function. A suitable bootstrap procedure is yet to be suggested for our method. We further propose a new parameter estimator and a simple goodness-of-fit test for Archimedean copula models when the bivariate data is under fixed left truncation. Our simulation results suggest that our procedure needs to be improved so that it can be more powerful, reliable and efficient. In our strategy, to obtain estimates for the unknown parameters, we heavily exploit the concept of truncated tau (a measure of association established by [Manatunga and Oakes, 1996] for left truncated data). The idea of our goodness of fit test originates from the goodness-of-fit test for Archimedean copula models proposed by [Wang, 2010] for right censored bivariate data.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Cheng, Bin
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
June 26, 2015