
Rate Coefficient for H+ + H2(X1Σg+, ν = 0, J = 0) → H(1s) + H2+ Charge Transfer and Some Cosmological Implications

Savin, Daniel Wolf; Krstic, Predrag S.; Haiman, Zoltan; Stancil, Phillip C.

Krstić has carried out the first quantum mechanical calculations near threshold for the charge transfer (CT) process H+ + H2(X 1Σimg1.gif, ν = 0, J = 0) → H(1s) + H+2. These results are relevant for models of primordial galaxy and first star formation that require reliable atomic and molecular data for obtaining the hydrogen chemistry of the early universe. Using the results of Krstić, we calculate the relevant CT rate coefficient for temperatures between 100 and 30,000 K. We also present a simple fit that can be readily implemented into early universe chemical models. Additionally, we explore how the range of previously published data for this reaction translates into uncertainties in the predicted gas temperature and H2 relative abundance in a collapsing primordial gas cloud. Our new data significantly reduce these cosmological uncertainties that are due to the uncertainties in the previously published CT rate coefficients.



Also Published In

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

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Academic Units
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Published Here
March 25, 2013