
An Overview of the SPRACH System for the Transcription of Broadcast News

Cook, Gary; Christie, James; Ellis, Daniel P. W.; Fosler-Lussier, Eric; Gotoh, Yoshi; Kingsbury, Brian; Morgan, Nelson; Renals, Steve; Robinson, Tony; Williams, Gethin

This paper describes the SPRACH system developed for the 1998 Hub-4E broadcast news evaluation. The system is based on the connectionist-HMM framework and uses both recurrent neural network and multi-layer perceptron acoustic models. We describe both a system designed for the primary transcription hub, and a system for the less-than 10 times real-time spoke. We then describe recent developments to CHRONOS, a time-first stack decoder. We show how these developments have simplified the evaluation system, and led to significant reductions in the error rate of the 10x real-time system. We also present a system designed to operate in real-time with negligible search error.


Also Published In

Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Workshop, February 28-March 3, 1999, Hilton at Washington Dulles Airport, Herndon, Virginia
Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology

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Academic Units
Electrical Engineering
Published Here
July 3, 2012