
Relation between C reactive protein and depression remission status in patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome

Shimbo, Daichi; Rieckmann, N.; Paulino, R.; Davidson, Karina W.

Although depression symptoms are associated with an increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular disease in patients who have experienced an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) event, the exact mechanisms remain poorly understood. Inflammation has been suggested to be a mechanism in the depression–ACS prognosis link, as raised concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers, especially C reactive protein (CRP), are associated with recurrent cardiovascular events.1 In the few studies that have examined the relation between depression status and CRP concentrations after an ACS event, depression and CRP concentrations were assessed 2–6 months after the index ACS event, when the rate of depression remission would already be relatively high.2–4 The objective of this study was to examine the relation between the course of depression and CRP concentrations after an ACS event.


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Academic Units
Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health
Published Here
November 11, 2016