A letter from Osbert of Clare (1140)


Osbert of Clare


Cecilia of Clare

Translated letter:

Osbert of Clare, servant of the church of God, marked by the sign of Jesus Christ, to his most beloved niece Cecilia: to attain contemplation of the blessed vision of God among the daughters of Jerusalem. Remember, daughter of Sion, that the heavenly groom, to whom you are betrothed by the bond of charity, deems your soul worthy to shine with eternal splendors. For the peace-making king calls you to the kingdom of celestial life, he who promises to you the grace of perpetual youth and the pleasing delight of eternal vigor. For in that palace of the celestial emperor will be your bridesmen, the angels, citizens of God, to lead you to the bedchamber of the king, and to clothe you in purple and linen with infused colors, the privilege of deserving saints. But your virginity, which does not know the cost of chastity in sacred nuptials, will shine crowned with a golden head-dress, and precious gems will be rather exquisitely woven into your clothing. Truly your hands will shine more beautiful than sapphire, (as) lamps flashing with the illuminated brightness of good deeds. Indeed your flesh will be adorned, covered in clean and delicate muslin, (and) in that blessedness you will no longer be in need of capes, you whom the spotless clothing of charity will adorn greatly without end. Further, take care skillfully so that you may please the creator of innocence, who may lead you into the store-room of wine, in which the pleasing delight of his love may intoxicate your mind, so that you succeed in forgetting whatever very desirable thing the glory of the world promises in order to deceive. Thus whoever is intoxicated with much wine is accustomed to forget the past more vigorously; so those whom contemplation raises on high eliminate from memory what delighted (them) in the world. Behold he himself stands behind your wall looking through the windows, peering through the lattice. For he stands girded with a sword for our humanity, to fight for you against the tyrant who desires powerfully that you surrender to impudent wantonness. He looks through the windows, that is through prophetic and apostolic doctrine, with which both the beauty of virtue is imprinted and the purity of virginity is more splendidly marked in you. Likewise your chosen one peers through the lattices because he, who lay hidden with weakness of flesh from (his) sufferings, flashed with miracles so that he might appear to us. Worship these things, love these things, because those things that were hidden beneath the shadow of the old testament were made manifest in the mystery of his incarnation. The beauty of virginity is represented for you in blessed Jeremiah and in John the evangelist, whose life adorned with celibate virtue is for sacred virgins an image marked with the seal of chastity. Always look upon the glorious virgin speaking with the angel in the secret bed-chamber, look upon her dwelling in Nazareth, so that you may learn to build your dwelling among the flowers of chastity, and to share (your) speech in domestic peace with heavenly messengers. For Nazareth is called a flower, where it is becoming that those who are devoted to the lord dwell as Nazarenes. For while they dwell with him on the inside and they do not wander exalted on the outside, they speak through profound inspiration with the lord, and they are pleasantly restored with inner sweetness. Observe how many women have perished when they have violated chastity, and how many, with the dowry ledgers of marriages, have purchased for themselves the danger of death. For as the uterus swells, the face grows pale, the vein enlarges, the eyes are hollowed, the fingers grow thin, the skin darkens, the breasts are distended, the inner parts are divided, and in childbirth all the outer parts become misshapen, you can understand how much more pleasing and delightful is that labor in which no one perishes while she gives birth, how noble are the offspring that virtues produce, and in which chastity does not suffer the loss of virtue, and the woman in labor is not dishonored in the bedchamber of her spouse. Remember, daughter of God, how carefully the rich of this world guard their brides, and so that the inferior sex does not fall into error they assign their faithful subjects to the protection of women. Therefore pray that Christ, the creator of life, assign as guardian of your chastity the blessed martyr Lawrence, whom in glorious suffering the profession of Christ’s name strengthened, and whose appearance among heavenly ones the beauty of perpetual youth has adorned. Let daily remembrance of him be especially impressed upon you firmly so that when you recall to mind the victory of a man so great, since he had disdained the fires, he may quench the fires of vices rising up in you. For the fire of longing in the flesh is accustomed to burn young girls and adolescents, and the harmful warmth and heat of sin is wont to inflame the weak sex more powerfully. A certain precious deacon conquered the fire in himself with the fire of divine love, and the dew of heavenly grace put to flight harmful humors, and in that same jar it did not allow oil to dwell with any black ink. Certainly he is at hand to supply beneficial assistance to you, and to pour forth courteously the rain of heavenly dew, if he will see that you wish to overcome powerfully the hostile commotion of the flesh. In a certain church of his at Rome happened a thing marvelous and unheard of about other saints in our times, which you should impress with diligent care on the exertions of your mind, and you should not fail to communicate this to the fellow citizens of your virginity. One night a sacristan was very late to rouse the brothers to sacred vigils, and he lay awake in his bed-chamber carrying on I don’t know what in that span of time, when unexpectedly he sees the whole basilica light up with flashing brightness, and through the eastern window of the gracious sanctuary and from the area of the altar of the Lord the magnificent person of a king enters, whom an army of Greek young men clothed in white accompanied; and the abundance of that glorious multitude was infinite, enveloped on every side with purple and jasper, linen and muslin and gold. But the eminent, very celebrated hero stood out with scepter-bearing dignity; glory crowned him with an indescribable headdress and elegance adorned him with unfading youth. When that sacristan, stunned, beheld him coming forth, and marveled at the rare glory of newness so great, the heavenly dignitary came before the fearful man and accosted the uncertain one, addressing him with this argument: why, he says, were you detained in such long delay of sacred vigils? Why did you not have greater concern for keeping the night watch? Already, he says, that celebrated hour has passed when the brothers were to be roused with ringing cymbals from the sleep of idleness, from nocturnal restoration. And when the terrified and confounded sacristan hesitates at his voice and appearance, again the remarkable personage addresses the man gaping with all his heart and mind at the speech of a man so great: do not become frightened at the vision of my glory which is before you, because I have not come here to strike fear into you, but to show the dignity of my inestimable glory. Perhaps you hesitate at who it might be that speaks with you, whose beauty so great you behold that it seems to surpass the brightness of the sun. Further, you wonder who my companions might be, whose grace and beauty and abundance of such a great multitude are wont to be extraordinary to you thus far. But so that you may be more secure and more steadfast thereafter in allegiance to me, certainly I will reveal my name to you. I am Lawrence, the holy martyr of God, in whose name the present basilica is dedicated, which the beloved devotion of the present household serves. I am your lord, for whose allegiance you sweat, for the designation of whose name you are accustomed to rejoice, and to applaud at his glory whereby he shines among (his) fellow citizens of angels. For I am that athlete of Christ, who valiantly sweated in fire and iron for the sake of his name, who always assist in prayers before the face of God in heaven on behalf of all those who venerate my memory on earth. May you know that you yourself are also to be commended in my prayers because I have always found you devoted to me, and I have discovered the ardor of your faith and love; and in every week on the same day when the victory of my suffering was brought about, God has bestowed this privilege of grace to me, such that he deems worthy of being mercifully freed many who were dedicated to punishment. For by descending to those who are placed in prison workhouses, and whom punishment was accustomed to torture before my coming, immediately they are lifted up with joy at the appearance of my face. For as many as can cling to my sides rise up on high with me from punishment to glory. Hence it is that these, whom you see flourish here in beauty so inestimable, have been brought out by my mighty strength on this night from places of punishment. Therefore cherish my memory with deep devotion just as you have begun, because before the face of the lord I always aid with diligent prayers on behalf of all those who, with sweetness of mind, are accustomed to venerate the speaking of my name. Rise, therefore, and rouse the brothers to nocturnal celebrations; for already it is long since you should have done this, if the pleasing sweetness of my speech had not detained you. May you also know, that renowned place is specifically unique to me, and I am accustomed to go back to it frequently with greatest love because my family skillfully takes care to please God. But now I say farewell to you and to all, and as victor I ascend with triumphant spoils to my lord. And saying these things Lawrence, holy martyr of God, departed by the same path by which he came with the marvelous power of God, because raised up from the earth he was seen to step firmly in the air and to pass through the altar of the Lord beside the eucharist of the body of Christ. Moreover, when he had reached the eastern window, just as a ray of sun penetrates glass, so the invincible martyr passed through the same. Further, ascending to heavenly glory with a happy multitude of captives, with lofty voice he began that antiphon that the whole church, celebrating, sings to God in his praise: On the gridiron, he said, I did not deny you as God, and placed on the fire I proclaimed you as Christ. Truly that whole multitude sang what remained with lofty voices, and the happy and glorious choir ascended to the heavens with a melody so great. Therefore consider, my most beloved, how great are the protections of the blessed martyr Lawrence, and keep him as an advocate so that you not perceive harsh the judge, whom with a chaste conscience you should await as redeemer. If you will want to entrust to him the more secret devotion of your heart, he will both be able and want to attend to the infirmity of your soul with celestial cures. For he is powerful with his lord, and God has the power to make every grace abound in you through him, so that virginal glory in regular discipline pleases you, and your will does not withdraw from the will of God. Further, look at those who, with virginity intact, have brought forth offspring for the heavenly groom and have not felt chastity diminished in childbirth; from these I offer to you specifically one as an example, whose designation I am sure you bear with innocence of flesh: I speak of the blessed Cecilia, who was accustomed to shine with gems and gold, and yet with the angels of God as witnesses she was clad in a hairshirt. Imitate her constancy, and take up discretion as your companion so that by loving your creator you may deserve his protection. Let that holy spirit, who wished to inflame her with his love, deem your mind worthy to kindle with his heat, so that in the footprints of the blessed virgin Cecilia you may also proceed with the martyrs and through her grasp the crown of perpetual virginity in heaven, with her distinguished groom, son of a virgin, Jesus Christ, God and our lord; for him, with the father and the same holy spirit, may there be honor and dominion for all generations forever. Amen.

Original letter:

Osbertus de Clara, servus ecclesiae dei, insignitus charactere Iesu Christi, Ceciliae neptae suae dilectissimae : inter filias Iherusalem ad beatae visionis dei pertingere contemplationem. Memento, filia Syon, quod sponsus ille caelestis, cui depacta es vinculo caritatis, splendoribus animam tuam illustrare dignatur aeternis. vocat enim te ad supernae regnum vitae rex pacificus, qui tibi iuventutis perpetuae promittit elegantiam et viriditatis aeternae iocunditatem gratiosam. in illa enim superni imperatoris aula erunt paranymphi tui angeli, cives dei, ut te ad regis introducant cubiculum,et investiant purpura et bysso coloribus intinctis, sanctorum praerogativa meritorum : virginitas vero tua, quae in sacris nuptiis nescit dispendium castitatis, diademate coronata radiabit aureo, et pretiosi lapides tuo subtilius inserentur vestimento : manus vero tuae caelibes resplendebunt sapphiro pulcriores bonorum lampades operum accensis luminaribus coruscantes: sindone vero munda et deliciosa amicta decorabitur caro tua, nec mutatoriis in illa beatitudine ulterius indigebis, quam sine fine perornabit vestis immaculata caritatis. integritatis enim auctori satage sollerter ut placeas, qui te in cellam introducat vinariam, in qua amoris eius iocunda delectatio mentem tuam inebriet, ut oblivisci praevaleas quicquid mundi gloria concupiscibile promittit ut fallat. qui multo itaque vino madent, praeterita validius oblivisci solent; sic quos sustollit ad alta contemplatio, evacuant a memoria quod delectavit in mundo. en, ipse stat post parietem tuum respiciens per fenestras, prospiciens per cancellos. stat enim in humanitate nostra gladio accinctus, ut pro te contra tyrannum dimicet qui te petulantibus substernere lasciviis efficaciter studet. per fenestras respicit, id est per propheticam et apostolicam doctrinam, in quibus tibi et forma virtutis imprimitur et candor virginitatis splendidius insignitur: per cancellos item electus tuus prospicit, quia, qui infirmitate carnis ex passionibus latuit, ut nobis appareret miraculis coruscavit. haec venerare, haec dilige, quia quae erant occulta sub umbra testamenti veteris, manifesta facta sunt in eius mysterio incarnationis. In beato Ieremia et in Iohanne evangelista virginitatis tibi decor exprimitur, quorum adornata vita caelibe pudicitia virginibus sacris imago est sigillo castitatis impressa. aspice gloriosam semper virginem in secreto cubiculo cum angelo fabulantem, aspice in Nazaret conversantem, ut discas in floribus pudicitiae mansionem tuam constituere, et in interna quiete cum supernis nuntiis sermonem miscere. Nazareth enim flos dicitur, in qua Nazareos habitare condecet qui domino consecrantur. dum enim secum interius habitant et foris non vagantur elati, per intimam inspirationem loquuntur cum domino, et dulcore suaviter reficiuntur interno. intuere quot feminae perierunt violato pudore, et quot sibi coemerunt mortis periculum dotalibus tabulis nuptiarum. dum namque intumescit uterus, pallescit facies, vena grossescit, cavantur oculi, macrescunt digiti, cutis nigrescit, ubera distenduntur, scinduntur interiora, et exteriora in partu fiunt cuncta deformia, animadvertere potes quam iocundior et deliciosior est ille partus in quo nulla perit dum parturit, quam generosi fetus quos virtutes germinant, et in quibus castitas dispendium pudoris non patitur et puerpera in sponsi cubiculo non violatur. reminiscere, filia dei, quam sollicite sponsas suas custodiunt divites huius mundi, et ne sexus inferior corruat in lapsum fideles suos deputant ad custodiam feminarum. Ora igitur auctorem vitae Christum ut castimoniae tuae custodem deputet beatum martyrem Laurentium, quem in gloriosa passione nominis Christi roboravit confessio, et in eius conspectu apud superos iuvent(ut)is perpetuae decoravit pulcritudo. huius tibi cotidiana specialiter imprimatur certa ratione memoria ut cum revocaveris ad animum despectis ignibus tanti viri triumphum, insurgentium incendia extinguat in te vitiorum. iuvenculas namque et adulescentes solet ignis in carne libidinis adurere, et nocivus calor fomesque peccati sexum debilem validius inflammare. vicit quidem preciosus levita incendium in seipso divini amoris incendio, et ros caelestis gratiae humores noxios effugavit, nec in eodem dolio cum quolibet habitare oleum consensit atramento. praesto utique est opem tibi subministrare salutarem, et superni roris imbrem dignanter infundere, si te perspexerit infestos carnis aestus velle fortiter superare. Accidit in quadam eius ecclesia Romae res mira et nostris temporibus de aliis sanctis inaudita, quam diligenti sollicitudine mentis tuae studiis oportet ut imprimas, et hanc communicare virginitatis tuae concivibus non omittas. aedituus namque nimis tardaverat aliqua nocte ad sacras vigilias fratres excitare, suoque vigilans iacebat in cubiculo nescio quid operiens illo temporis intervallo, cum repente conspicit totam fulgore corusco radiare basilicam, et per orientalem aedis almae fenestram e regione mensae dominicae praeclaram regis introire personam quem candidatus epheborum comitabatur exercitus; eratque infinita gloriosae illius multitudinis copia, purpura et iaspide, byssoque ac sindone ab omni parte auro circumtecta. heros vero insignis sceptrigera praeminebat dignitate praecluis, quem gloria ineffabili coronabat diademate,et elegantia decorabat immarcescibili iuventute. quem cum ingredientem secretarius ille contemplaretur stupefactus, tantaeque novitatis gloriam miraretur insolitam, caelestis hierarcha pavidum praevenit alloquensque ambiguum hac ratione convenit: Quid, inquit, tam longa in sacris detentus es mora vigiliis? cur tibi in nocturnis non inservit cura maior excubiis? iam, inquit, illa celebris hora praeteriit, qua tinnientibus cymbalis a somno desidiae excitandi fratres fuerant, a nocturna recreatione. cumque pavefactus et stupidus ad vocem eius et aspectum haesitaret aedituus, iterum persona spectabilis alloquitur hominem toto corde et animo tanti viri sermonibus inhiantem: Ad visionem gloriae meae quae tibi praesens est noli expavescere, quia non huc veni ut tibi timorem incutiam, sed inaestimabilis gloriae meae dignitatem ostendam. haesitas fortasse quis sit qui tecum loquitur, cuius tantam intueris pulcritudinem, ut solis videatur transcendere claritatem. miraris etiam qui sint consodales mei, quorum decus et decor et tantae multitudinis copia tibi solent esse hactenus inusitata. sed ut securior fias, et ad meum constantior deinceps obsequium, tibi sine dubio intimabo nomen meum. ego sum sanctus martyr dei Laurentius, cuius titulis praesens consecrata est basilica, cui praesentis familiae servit devotio gratiosa. ego sum dominus tuus, cuius insudas obsequio, ad cuius nominis soles gaudere vocabulum, et ad eius applaudere gloriam qua inter concives radiat angelorum. ego etiam sum athleta ille Christi, qui pro eius nomine in igne et ferro fortiter desudavi, qui pro illis omnibus semper assisto in orationibus ante vultum dei in caelis, qui mei memoriam venerantur in terris. teipsum etiam meis scias orationibus commendatum, quia te semper erga me devotum repperi, et fidei tuae atque dilectionis fervorem inveni; et in omni septimana eadem feria qua passionis meae victoria extitit multos poenis deditos dignetur misericorditer liberare, descendo enim ad eos in ergastulis carceralibus positos, et quos poena ante meum torquere solebat adventum confestim cum gaudio ad vultus mei relevantur aspectum. consummata, hanc mihi deus praerogativara tribuit gratiae, ut quotquot enim meis lateribus adhaerere possunt, a poena mecum ad gloriam sublimiter resurgunt. hinc est quod hi, quos hic vides in tam inaestimabili florere pulcritudine, de locis poenalibus hac nocte mea educti sunt potenti virtute. dilige ergo meam quemadmodum incepisti cum intima devotione memoriam, quia pro omnibus illis in precibus assiduis semper assisto ante vultum domini, qui cum mentis dulcedine mentionem nominis mei consuevere venerari. surge itaque et excita fratres ad nocturna sollennia; quia iam diu est quod hoc fecisse debueras, nisi te sermonum meorum grata dulcedo detinuisset. noveris etiam quod locus ille celebris mihi specialiter est singularis, eumque frequenter cum amore maximo revisere soleo, quia familia mea sollerter satagit ut placeat deo. nunc vero tibi et omnibus illis valefacio, et ad dominum meum cum triumphalibus spoliis victor ascendo. et haec dicens sanctus martyr dei Laurentius eodem tramite quo venit mira dei virtute recessit, quia sublevatus a terra visus est in aere firmiter incedere et per mensam dominicam secus eucharistiam corporis Christi pertransire. cum autem ad fenestram orientalem pervenisset, quemadmodum vitrum penetrat solis radius ita eandem penetravit martyr invictus. ascendens vero ad supernam cum felici captivorum multitudine gloriam, excelsa voce illam incepit antiphonam quam universa deo sollemnizans in eius laude canit ecclesia: In craticula, inquit, te deum non negavi, et ad ignem applicatus te Christum confessus sum. quod vero reliquum fuit omnis ilia multitudo excelsis vocibus cecinit, et usque ad caelos cum tanta melodia chorus ille felix et gloriosus ascendit. Considera ergo, dilectissima mihi, quanta sint patrocinia beati martyris Laurentii, et illum advocatum habe ne importunum sentias iudicem quem in casta conscientia praestolari debes redemptorem. si ei secretiorem cordis tui devotionem volueris committere, et poterit et volet infirmitatem animae tuae caelestibus medelis procurare. potens est enim apud dominum suum, et potens est deus omnem gratiam in te abundare facere per eum, ut tibi virginalis gloria in disciplinis regularibus placeat, et tua voluntas a voluntate dei non recedat. respice etiam ad illas quae integra virginitate sponso caelesti pepererunt sobolem et imminutum in puerperio non senserunt pudorem, ex quibus unam tibi specialiter praefero in exemplum, cuius ut confido geris cum carnis integritate vocabulum, beatam dico Ceciliam, quae et gemmis radiare consuevit et auro, et tamen testibus angelis dei induta erat cilicio. imitare eius constantiam, et comitem assume tibi prudentiam, ut diligendo creatorem tuum merearis patrocinium suum. spiritus ille sanctus, qui eam voluit in amore suo inflammare, mentem tuam calore suo dignetur accendere, ut per vestigia beatae Ceciliae virginis et martyris incedas, et coronam perpetuae virginitatis per eam in caelis apprehendas, praestante sponso suo virginis filio Iesu Christo, deo et domino nostro, cui cum patre et eodem spiritu sancto sit honor et imperium per omnes generationes saeculi saeculorum. amen.

Historical context:

Osbert encourages his niece to remain true to her vows with warnings of the unpleasantness of secular life and a tale of a miraculous appearance of St. Lawrence.

Scholarly notes:

1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

The Letters of Oxbert of Clare, ed. E.W. Williamson (London: Oxford University, 1929), 91-96, ep.22





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