A letter from Marie, duchess of Burgundy


Marie of Champagne, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

To remove altogether any slander or iota of doubt, let it be known to those in the present as well as the future that Bonus Amicus [Good Friend], provost of Dijon, pledged that part of the tithe of Rouvre which he held in pledge, to the abbess of Tart and her nuns, for 14 Dijon pounds, on the agreement namely that if anyone should bring a charge against them over this, that provost would discharge it and guarantee it to them.   This agreement was made by the hand of Marie, duchess of Burgundy.  The witnesses of this pledge are:  master Humbert, Thibaut, chaplain of Eperney. Robert of Belley, and Andreas, lay brothers:  Wiard of Faverney, Terricus of Geney, Walter Winebearer.  Enacted in this the 1163rd year from the incarnation of the Lord.

Original letter:

Ad removandum scandalum et omne prorsus dubietatis scrupulum, notum sit tam modernis quam futuris, quod Bonus Amicus, Divionensis prepositus, eam partem decime Rovre quam habebat in vadio, invadiavit Tarsensi abbatisse ejusdemque sanctimonialibus, pro XIIIIor libris Divionensium, ea scilicet conventione quod si quis super hoc aliquam eis calumniam faceret, idem prepositus eis extingueret et garantizaret.  Conventio autem ista facta est per manum Marie, ducisse Burgundie.  Hujus vero invadiationis testes sunt:  magister Humbertus, Theobaudus, capellanus de Esparnaio, Robertus de Billeyo, et Andreas, conversi:  Wiardus de Feverneio, Terricus de Genieyo, Gauterus Portansvinum.  Actum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXIIIo.

Historical context:

Marie witnesses the act by which Bonami, provost of Dijon, pledges to the abbey of Tart, for 14 Dijon pounds, the portion of the tithes of Rouvre which he held.

Printed source:

Ernest Petit, Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne de la Race Capetienne (Dijon, 1885, 1887) v.2.290, #395.





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