A letter of donation


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

Let it be known to all the faithful, future and present, that I, Clementia, by the grace of God countess of Flanders, shall have given to the church of St. Mary of Faumont for the salvation of my soul twelve properties and four hectars of land in Pivela, on the condition that lady Elisende of Raches should hold that whole land for her lifetime from said church for the rent of 12 sous (solidi) and 4 pennies (denari).  But after the death of that lady Elisende, three properties namely of Bruc, should remain with the church.  Whoever will hold the rest of the land, that is nine properties and four hectars, will receive it from said church with the payment of feudal relief*  and will pay a rent of nine sous and four pennies annually.  Witnesses of this are:  Clementia, countess; Godelide, abbess; Rodulph, chaplain; Everard, notary; Hugo, seneschal; Lambert, butler; Thomas and his brothers; Godfrey of Harlebeke; Godiaus of Chaux; Jordan, his son; Simon of Humenges; Odo of Rache; Godfrey and Walter, sons of lady Elisende, witnesses and consenters, also donors. 

Let it be known also to all the faithful that Imbert will have given a tithe of twelve hectars of land which he held in fief from lady Elisende, castellan, around the border of Caus, with her consent and that of her son, Godfrey, and moreover the granting by me, countess Clementia, to be possessed by the church of St. Mary of Faumont perpetually.  Amolric also handed over the tithe of six hectars of land which he held from Godfrey, castellan, with him granting and me agreeing, to the oftmentioned church for the soul of his brother Lidebert.  Also Simon of Humenges became the man of the abbess and promised fidelity to the church swearing that he would serve her all the time of his life.  Also Hameric, cleric, granted to the named church the houses which he had built and the woods he possessed in the land of St. Mary of Casletul, with the agreement of Manisend, his wife.  I confirmed these grants, donations, with the impression of my seal and the witness of the subscribed men:  Hugo, seneschal; Gerard, Stephen, Anselm, his brothers; lady Elisende; Godfrey and Walter, her sons; Gerard of Caus; Seggo; Godin; Stephen and Amolric of Landast; Roger of Helemnis; Walter, his brother; Hugo Gall of Costices; Jordan, Thomas, and Rambald, his brother; Walter, villager; Nicholas of Hall; Odo and John, his son.

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus fidelibus tam futuris quam presentibus, quod ego Clementia, Dei gratia Flandrensium comitissa, donaverim pro salute anime mee ecclesie sancte Marie de Falmont xii mansos et quatuor bonerios terre in Pivela, ea condicione ut domina Elisendis de Raisa teneat eamdem terram totam in vita sua de prefata ecclesia ad censum xii solidorum et iiii  denariorum. Post obitum vero eiusdem domine Elisendis, tres mansi terre videlicet del Bruc, ecclesie remaneant. Qui vero tenuerit residuam terram, id est, novem mansos et quatuor bonerios, de prefata ecclesia cum solucione relevamenti suscipiat eam,et censum novem solidorum et quatuor denariorum annuatim persolvat. Huius rei testes sunt:  Clementia, comitissa; Godelidis, abbatissa; Rodulphus, capellanus; Everardus, notarius; Hugo, dapifer; Lambertus, pincerna; Thomas et fratres eius; Godefridus de Harlebeca; Godiaus de Caus; Iordains, filius eius; Simon de Humenges; Odo de Raisa; Godefridus et Walterus, filii domine Elisendis, testes et consentientes, idemque donantes. Innotescat itidem omnibus fidelibus quod Imbertus decimam duodecim boneriorum terre, quam tenebat in feodo de domina Elisendi, castellana, circa fines de Caus, assensu eius et filii sui, Godefridi, et insuper mea Clementie comitisse concessione, ecclesie sancte Marie de Falmont perenniter possidendam donaverit. Amolricus etiam decimam sex boneriorum terre, quam tenebat de Godefrido, castellano, ipso concedente et me annuente, sepedicte ecclesie pro anima fratris sui, Lideberti, tradidit. Simon quoque de Humenges homo abbatisse effectus est, et fidelitatem ecclesie cum iureiurando omni tempore vite sue se servaturum promisit. Hamericus etiam clericus, domos quas edificaverat et nemus quod possidebat in terra sancte Marie Casletuli, annuente Manisende, uxore eius, memorate ecclesie concessit. Has igitur concessiones, donationes, sigilli mei impressione et subscriptorum virorum testimonio confirmavi: Hugonis, dapiferi; Gerardi, Stephani, Anselmi, fratrum eius; domine Elisendis; Godefridi et Walteri, filiorum eius; Gerardi de Caus; Seggonis; Godini; Stephani et Amolrici de Landast; Rogeri de Helemnis; Walberti, fratris eius; Hugonis Galli de Costices; Iordain, Thome et Rainbaldi, fratris eius; Walteri, villici; Nicolai de Halli; Odonis et Iohannis, filii eius.

Historical context:

The countess makes donations to the church of Faumont and approves those made to the church by the children of lady Elisende de Rache and others, including some who give themselves into service for life.  Abbess Godilde is a sister of abbot Lambert of St. Bertin, who worked with Clementia to join his abbey to Cluny.  Godilde was the first abbess of Bourbourg (see Adair, 109, who suggests that Clementia focused on Faumont late in her life because Bourbourg was difficult to get to after she lost her coastal towns, 282).

Scholarly notes:

* Feudal relief is payment by an heir to the overlord on succession to property.

Printed source:

Un cartulaire de l’abbaye de Notre Dame de Bourbourg, ed. Ignace de Coussemaker (Lille:  Cucoulombier, 1882-91), 1.24-25, #28.





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