A letter from Raymond, son of Blanche


Raymond, son of Blanche


Cecilia of Provence

Translated letter:

From this hour forward, I Raymond, son of Blanche, shall not deceive/deprive you, Cecilia, daughter of Alamburg, nor you Raymond, nor you Roger, sons of Cecilia, of the castle of Redes,  andTornabox, and Montalt, and Riut, and Lastors, nor of the walls or fortifications that are there today and were built before, etc.   

Original letter:

De ista hora in antea, non vos decebrei ego Raimundus filius de Blancha Cecilia filia Alamborcs ne tu Raimundus ne tu Roger filii Caeciliae de castel de Redas & de Tornabox & de Montalt & de Riut & de Lastors ni dels murs ni de las forzas quae hodie ibi sunt & in antea factas erunt, &c.

Historical context:

One of several oaths taken in hommage to Cecilia, mainly in Latin but with Provençal phrases.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc  5.965-66, #509.1, CCCCXVII.





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