Prevalence of and gene regulatory constraints on transcriptional adaptation in single cells

Mellis, Ian A.; Melzer, Madeline E.; Bodkin, Nicholas; Goyal, Yogesh

Cells and tissues have a remarkable ability to adapt to genetic perturbations via a variety of molecular mechanisms. Nonsense-induced transcriptional compensation, a form of transcriptional adaptation, has recently emerged as one such mechanism, in which nonsense mutations in a gene trigger upregulation of related genes, possibly conferring robustness at cellular and organismal levels. However, beyond a handful of developmental contexts and curated sets of genes, no comprehensive genome-wide investigation of this behavior has been undertaken for mammalian cell types and conditions. How the regulatory-level effects of inherently stochastic compensatory gene networks contribute to phenotypic penetrance in single cells remains unclear.

We analyze existing bulk and single-cell transcriptomic datasets to uncover the prevalence of transcriptional adaptation in mammalian systems across diverse contexts and cell types. We perform regulon gene expression analyses of transcription factor target sets in both bulk and pooled single-cell genetic perturbation datasets. Our results reveal greater robustness in expression of regulons of transcription factors exhibiting transcriptional adaptation compared to those of transcription factors that do not. Stochastic mathematical modeling of minimal compensatory gene networks qualitatively recapitulates several aspects of transcriptional adaptation, including paralog upregulation and robustness to mutation. Combined with machine learning analysis of network features of interest, our framework offers potential explanations for which regulatory steps are most important for transcriptional adaptation.

Our integrative approach identifies several putative hits—genes demonstrating possible transcriptional adaptation—to follow-up on experimentally and provides a formal quantitative framework to test and refine models of transcriptional adaptation.


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December 26, 2024