Theses Doctoral

Sections and unirulings of families over the projective line

Pieloch, Alexander

In this dissertation, we study morphisms of smooth complex projective varieties to the projective line with at most two singular fibres. We show that if such a morphism has at most one singular fibre, then the domain of the morphism is uniruled and the morphism admits algebraic sections. We reach the same conclusions, but with algebraic genus zero multisections instead of algebraic sections, if the morphism has at most two singular fibres and the first Chern class of the domain of the morphism is supported in a single fibre of the morphism.

To achieve these result, we use action completed symplectic cohomology groups associated to compact subsets of convex symplectic domains. These groups are defined using Pardon's virtual fundamental chains package for Hamiltonian Floer cohomology. In the above setting, we show that the vanishing of these groups implies the existence of unirulings and (multi)sections.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Abouzaid, Mohammed
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
April 20, 2022