A letter from Alix of Vergy (1220)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I, Alix, duchess of Burgundy, make known to all present and future, that I swore to the commune of Dijon that until my son Hugo is twenty one, I shall not take anyone or anything from the men of that commune, nor will said Hugo my son take them nor will anything be taken with our consent or by our order, etc. Moreover I swore to the oftmentioned men of the commune that if I wished to contract matrimony with anyone before I granted myself to him as spouse, he would swear to hold and firmly observe the aforesaid agreements, etc. Witness of this thing are the lord William of Vergy, my brother, lord Clarenbald of Chappes, Reynald lord of Choiseul, Guy lord of Saulx, John lord of Chateauneuf, Lambert lord of Chatillon, knight, etc. Enacted in the year of grace 1220.

Original letter:

Ego Alidis ducissa Burgundie, omnibus notum facio presentibus et futuris, me jurasse communie Divionis, quod usque dum Hugo filius meus viginti et unum annos habeat, aliquem vel aliquid de hominibus ipsius communie non capiam, neque dictus Hugo filius meus capiet, nec aliquid de assensu vel mandato nostro capiet, etc. Preterea juravi sepedictis hominibus communie, quod si eam aliquo contrahere vellem matrimonium, priusquam ei me pro sponsa concederem, predictas conventiones tenendas et firmiter observandas juraret, etc. Hujus rei testes sunt, dominus Vuillermus de Vergeio frater meus, dominus Claranbaudus de Capis, Renaudus dominus de Choisueux, Guido dominus Saly, Johannes dominus Castronovi, dominus Lambertus de Castellione miles, etc. Actum anno gratie MCCXX.

Historical context:

Alix, duchess of Burgundy, promises the commune of Dijon not to take any commune men until her son Hugh attains his majority at twenty-one. And in the case that she marry, she could not do it before her future [husband] swore to defend and maintain the privileges of the commune.

Printed source:

Joseph Garnier, Chartes de Communes et d'affranchisements en Bourgogne (Dijon: Rabutat, 1867-77). 1.31. Also in A. Duchesne, Preuves de l'Histoire de la Maison de Vergy (Paris: Cramoisy, 1625), p.156; and A. Duchesne, Histoire genealogique des Ducs de Bourgogne (Paris: Cramoisy, 1628), 71-72.





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